major Contributions
Over the years, thousands of dollars have been raised to purchase items needed. Some highlights include:
Medical Clinic Renovation
Palliative Care Unit
Appliances for Community Physician Housing
Central Heart Monitor -Capital Fundraiser
Century Tub/Lift
Electric Beds & Air Mattresses
Waiting Room Chairs and Furnishings
Curtains in the Acute & Palliative Units
Bed side tables for Dialysis & PCH
TV's & Whiteboards for all acute beds
Sleeper Chairs for Palliative
Infusion and IV pumps
Personal Care Home Renovations
PCH Deck & Lounge - awning/flower boxes
Holter Monitor
Baer Hugger (Hypothermia patients)
Big Image "Bucky" Stretcher
Suzi Q Cart for PCH Dining room
Curtains for Acute & PCH
Utility Shed/Gardening Boxes/Flowers PCH
Vein Finder
Fluid Warmer
Training Stairs - Occupational Therapy
Chart Cart, Baby Scale, Roller blinds
Baby Crib - donated by Alison Moman
- donated by Southern Chiefs Organization
Lucas Chest Compression - funded by Camper Community
Hall Donation
Verity Recliners Acute - Anonymous
Portable Ultrasound (ER), (2) Power lift stretchers for EMS - Capital Campaign 2019-20
Baby Warmer
Retro fitting the Paliative Care Room with daily essentials
Ashern Personal Care Home Deck & Lounge - awning/flower boxes
Pictured with the new stretchers is from left to right front row: Guild members Julie Bergner, Shelley Bjornson, paramedic supervisor Lenore Olafson and paramedic Byron Hernandez. Middle row: Guild member Lise Jones, paramedic supervisor Shelley Karlson-Eastman, paramedic Kim Dubek and paramedic Nicole Puelles. Back row: paramedic supervisor Blair Milling, paramedics Richard Carrier and Cory Rey, paramedic supervisor Bryan Diboll, and paramedic Tanner Bollenbach.
Ashern Personal Care Home Deck & Lounge - awning/flower boxes