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The Lakeshore Hospital Guild was recently presented with a large donation from a local business owner.


The donation of $100,000.00 to the Lakeshore Hospital Guild was made by Irv Koch, owner of the Narrows Sunset Lodge to the Lakeshore Hospital Guild Executive.  Irv explained that he was very happy with the treatment he received recently from the Lakeshore General Hospital and wanted to pay it back in some way.  Monies will be spent for purchases within the hospital (s approved by Mr. Koch) not normally covered by Capital expenses.


Lakeshore Hospital Guild is a volunteer group dedicated to the service in the Health Care Field. The objective of the organization is to support and enhance the comfort and welfare of patients, clients and residents of the Lakeshore Health Centre and/or associated facilities/health programs which support long term and palliative care in the Guild Communities.  All monies raised and memorial funds received go towards the purchase of items and/or to develop resources for the Lakeshore Health Centre.


The Lakeshore Hospital Guild is very thankful for this donation and it will go a long way to fulfilling the needs of the Hospital which includes the Acute, Dialysis, Emergency Room, and Personal Care Home.

Thanks Irv for this generous donation!!!!

donation - Irv Koch.jpg


Last year the Guild passed a motion to start a bursary for any local student graduating as a Licensed Practical Nurse or Bachelor of Nursing and returning to work at the Lakeshore General Hospital.   

In September 2022, the Guild awarded it's first bursaries to 2 graduating students from the LPN Course in Arborg.  Each received $1000.00 as a Thank-you from the Guild.   Pictured to the left is McKenna Bednarek receiving her cheque from Vice Chair - Erika O'Sullivan.   On the right is Alyssa Short accepting her cheque from Chair - Shelley Bjornson. 

McKenna is currently working between Ashern and Eriksdale Hospitals and Alyssa has taken a position in Ashern at the Personal Care Home.  


M Bednarek - Bursary.jpg
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